Current Assessment Activities
Current assessment activities include information on a range of projects and activities recently completed or currently underway to gauge student learning, make improvements, or respond to accountability interests. Transparent current assessment activities are:
- Clearly stated in language that is understandable for various audiences
- Described and illustrated to clarify how a particular assessment activity is used and how it relates to the institutional mission and vision
- Prominently posted or linked in multiple places across the website
- Updated regularly to reflect current activities
- Receptive to feedback on the presentation of the current assessment activities by having contact information or a form to send feedback
Institutional Examples
The Learning Outcomes Assessment webpage at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC) is NILOA’s September 2020 Featured website! Overseen by the Council for Learning Outcomes Assessment (C-LOA), a cross-campus group of faculty charged with monitoring and supporting assessment work on campus, the website shares general education learning outcomes, program assessment, co-curricular assessment, Illinois student learning outcomes, and resources and workshops.
Included with each of the institution-wide student learning outcomes are data snapshots (for example click here) of institutional progress towards and attainment of shared learning outcomes. Further, each of the general education learning outcomes include further definition coupled with an institutional process timeline for implementation. Current program assessment and past program assessment activities are readily available, along with resources for co-curricular assessment including templates, examples, and planning resources. Various interactive resources and workshops–from advice for writing learning goals and assessment plans to strategies to use assessment evidence–are summarized for different groups, cohorts of students, and compared with their peer institutions or programs. For the plethora of available resources coupled with information on learning outcomes, UIUC’s Learning Outcomes Assessment webpage is the September 2020 NILOA Featured Website in Centralized Assessment Repository.
Bowling Green State University’s Office of Academic Assessment, part of the Institutional Effectiveness webpage, is a NILOA Featured Website! Bowling Green State University (BGSU) is also an Excellence in Assessment (EIA) Designee recognized in 2017 for excellence assessment work. The Office of Academic Assessment (OAA) provides the university with assessment information and resources, offers professional development for faculty and programs through workshops and consultations across various assessment-related topics, and helps the institution collect and disseminate assessment data. Through the OAA website, visitors can find the University Learning Outcomes detailing the shared fundamental education values expected of students across all majors, general education, and the co-curricular experiences. These are also aligned to the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics and to Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in Canvas BGSU’s assessment management software of choice. SLOs are catalogued for undergraduate and graduate programs. The OAA actively involves students in gathering information on student learning. These Student Learning Analysts lead various assessment projects, which are made available on the website.
All departments at BGSU are expected to submit a student achievement report to the Student Achievement Assessment Committee (SAAC) on the outcomes assessed over the past year. To this end, website visitors can review the sample SAAC Program Assessment Plan & Reporting Cycle Rubric (both in short-form and long-form) and its accompanying guide. Website visitors can also find BGSU’s program review guide, which can serve as an example for others in developing their own program review process. Data reports can be found across various initiatives including the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+), National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), BGSU’s institution-wide learning outcomes, general education outcomes, and accreditation. Finally, various useful resources can be found through the Center for Faculty Excellence. For these reasons, BGSU’s Institutional Effectiveness webpage is a NILOA Featured Website in the Centralized Assessment Repository category aligned with the Transparency Framework’s Current Assessment Activities component.