Archives: Featured Websites Archive

NILOA features websites which provide examples of promising practices of innovative and transparent online communication of student learning outcomes assessment at the institution, program or unit level on institutional websites. Selection as a Featured Website includes an examination of the website in relation to one or more of the following criteria: Communication, Creativity, Centralized Assessment Repository. If you would like to submit a website for consideration, please email NILOA:

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Washington State University

Washington State University’s Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning (ATL) website offers visitors an insight into how the university approaches its student learning assessment initiatives. The website features links to a host of assessment related content, such as key assessment elements including content about writing student learning outcomes and using assessments. Also, there are… Read more »

Southern Connecticut State University

Southern Connecticut State University’s Office of Assessment and Planning web page provides viewers with a clear and holistic understanding of the institution’s student learning assessment efforts. Located on the web page is a link to information about the university’s assessment process, which explains how assessment is undertaken and who is involved. Also, the web page… Read more »

University of San Diego

The University of San Diego’s Student Outcomes website presents a detailed account of the university’s student learning assessment efforts. The website includes links to information about Student Learning, Retention and Graduation Rates, and Career Outcomes. In particular, the Student Learning section offers access to content about Institutional, Undergraduate, Graduate, and co-curricular learning outcomes, plus information… Read more »

Point Loma Nazarene University

Point Loma Nazarene University’s Institutional Assessment webpage provides an in-depth, holistic look at the university’s assessment efforts. The webpage covers three central areas of the institution’s assessment practices: institutional, co-curricular, and academic. The institutional assessment section includes links to assessment guidelines, rubrics, and templates for academic programs, reports of its participation with the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP),… Read more »

Lane Community College

Lane Community College’s assessment website offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the practice of assessment and how the college implements its own assessment plans. In addition to an introductory educational video about assessment, there are links to the college’s Core Learning Outcomes (CLOs), Course Learning Outcomes, and Institutional Context, content that articulates the college’s approach… Read more »