The Office of Institutional Assessment and Outcomes webpage at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is NILOA’s December 2020 Featured Website! This interactive website highlights the institutions goals in flowchart form and provides action verbs that clearly articulate objectives to attain their goals. We are impressed with the webpage’s explicit commitment to continuous improvement in equitable student outcomes by naming and holding academic entities (including student development, administrative, and operational units) accountable for student success.
Furthermore, the UDC webpage states, “the University of the District of Columbia, assessment is an institution-wide priority.” From the resources highlighted to related links and reports (including an assessment guide, student learning goals, and a listing of assessment council members), it is no secret that assessment at UDC is an important part of the institutional culture. For instance, the cycle of continuous improvement is weaved throughout the webpage and is utilized across the institution as a guide to support assessment processes and practices. Similarly, the goals established within the strategic plan encourages evidence of student learning and engagement across all units.
This timely, focused, and interactive website is informative and engaging where faculty, staff, and other stakeholders will be tempted to frequent it for tips and examples of best-practices. Given the caliber of resources it provides, ease of use, tips and transparency of data, the Office of Institutional Assessment and Outcomes webpage at the University of the District of Columbia is this month’s NILOA Featured Website in the categories of Communication and Centralized Assessment Repository.