Assignment Library Tag: Master's

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Introduction to SPSS using Simulation via T tests, regression, and ANOVA

Brief Description Students use one-way between-subjects analysis of variance to answer a research question using a personalized data set. The students submit a formal APA style results section with appropriate tables, figures, and statistical tests to help support their findings. The assignment is designed to assess specialized knowledge, quantitative fluency, communicative fluency, and applied and… Read more »

The Pathophysiology of High Blood Pressure

Description This assignment is designed for pathophysiology students close to the end of the course. These students are primarily in a BSN (Bachelor Degree Nursing) program, and they take pathophysiology as one of their last General Education courses before starting their professional Nursing program. The assignment is primarily to assess higher order learning outcomes. Background… Read more »

Developing and Hosting an Online Lesson

Description This assignment–Developing and Hosting an Online Lesson–is the signature project in the second to the last course in the Masters in Teaching and Learning with Technology program. It asks students to develop a robust educational learning module and then host it on a website. A culminating activity in the program, it is intended to… Read more »