Assignment Library Tag: Capstone

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Strategy Term Project – Business Analysis Report

Description The Business Analysis Report is a group project introduced in the beginning of the semester and culminating at the end with a formal written report and presentation. It represents a significant portion of the grade for the Business Policy and Strategy course–the capstone for the School of Business and Economics. It is designed to… Read more »

Capstone Manuscript Speech

Description Each student takes an academic research paper that they completed for an upper division major course and turns it into a 4-6 minute manuscript speech for a general audience which is recorded and aired via our local Access television or radio station for a period of 4 weeks and then archived on the Community… Read more »

Audio/Video Production Capstone Project

Description This assignment is one of the deliverable options required of students enrolled in the Senior Seminar II capstone course. It is designed to assess student mastery of content in the communication major associated with mass communication, message construction, audience awareness, and production skills and abilities. It also seeks to assess students’ critical thinking skills… Read more »

What’s the Relationship? Are Those Behaviors Really Related? Correlational Research Assignment

Description This assignment is used in Psychology 138: Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. It is the culminating activity for the unit on correlational research, which is covered in the middle of the semester. The assignment originally was developed in FY13 as part of an AAC&U Quality Collaboratives partnership between Middlesex and UMass Lowell that focuses… Read more »

A Bridge from Course to Capstone: The Final Methods Paper

Description This assignment, given in the qualitative methods course, was designed to serve as a bridge to the research-centered capstone required of Communication Studies students in their senior year. Its aim is to help them develop a basic plan for their capstone research project in terms of topic, methodological framework, IRB consideration, core theories, and… Read more »