Mississippi State University’s Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness web page features useful resources and examples for visitors to peruse. The web page promotes the latest news from institutional effectiveness occurring on campus so that the campus community can be aware of new developments. Website visitors can get a snapshot of MSU’s assessment process, including participants, procedures, and schedule. The eight institutional learning outcomes are openly stated, along with targeted definitions to further clarify some of the language found within the outcome statements. Additionally, resources are available on outcome statement development and an example of how MSU maps their outcomes across all campus assessment plans. In terms of assessment data, the website openly features graduate and undergraduate student exit survey reports, results from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), and results from the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE). Finally, information on MSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan is outlined which details the campus’ initiative to improve undergraduate student writing. For these reasons, MSU’s Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness is NILOA’s Featured Website in the category of Communication.